The First Step to Form a News Ranking Organizing Committee, Protecting…

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Breaking away from dependence on large portals, independent media leaps

"First Step for Public Confidence and Win-Win" News Sharing Madang Designs the Future of Media

(Korea = KTN) Reporter Kim Do-hyung = On January 16, a meeting to form a news Rankine organizing committee was held at the Korea Press Center to protect the rights and interests of the media and journalists. The meeting was attended by representatives of various media companies in Korea, including Han Sang-hee, chairman of the news Rankine, and the editor-in-chief to discuss the formation of the organization.

Participants included Choi Shin-young, CEO of News Ranki, Kim Young-bin, Editorial Director of News Ranki (Corporate News TV), Chairman of Gyeonggi Maeil Post, Publisher of Newsport Chae Jae-hak, Director of Newsport Lee Min-hee of Seoul News Agency, CEO of News Report Oh Young-se, Publisher of Jungbu News Agency Kim Man-sik, Editorial Director of G News Daily Kang Young-han, Publisher of Media Plus Park Sang-hee, Editorial Director of Women's Daily Na Yeon-soo, Publisher of Korea Distribution Newspaper Kim Do-hyung, Digital Bizon Lee Eun-kwang, Editorial Director of Sisa e-Eun News Lee Jin-hwa, Publisher of Sisa 1 Yoon Yeo-jin, CEO of Kyungwon Ilbo Hwang Min-ho, CEO of World Future Newspaper Jang Young-kwon, CEO of Railway Economic Newspaper Baek Yong-tae, and President of News Korea's latest reporting division, and expressed their willingness to promote sustainable development and cooperation of the media by forming a group.

Breaking away from dependence on large portals and strengthening media independence

In his remarks, Han Sang-hee, chairman of News Ranki, said, "Unreasonable conditions of alliance of large portals are shaking the direction of the media," stressing the importance of platforms such as "News Sharing Madang" that make a voice and share articles through cooperation between media outlets. "News Ranki will gradually secure technology by reflecting the opinions of member companies and establish a specialized news portal with expertise to increase public confidence in the media," he said.



Han Sang-hee, Chairman of News Ranki

News Rankie CEO Choi Shin-young stressed that News Rankie will play a pivotal role in protecting the rights and interests of its members as a helper rather than directly running the corporation. CEO Choi Shin-young suggested transparently sharing information through the news Rankie affiliate bulletin board so that member companies' proposals and requests for reporting can be made smoothly.



Choi Shin-young, CEO of News Ranki

The member companies present presented various opinions to solve the problems facing the current media environment. The main suggestions are as follows.

Resolving the irrationality of the conditions for large portal alliances - Raising the need to build a win-win group model to overcome the reality that journalists' position is narrowing.

Arrange archive space - Platform design that allows members to share photos and video materials taken themselves.

Improvement of news sharing sections - review the introduction of a system to upload articles directly from the newsrankie to relieve the inconvenience of sharing articles.

Ad attraction and revenue model introduced - building a model in which newsrankies directly attract ads and redistribute advertising revenue to affiliated media companies.

Operation of the Joint Job Foundation - Formation of the News Ranking Joint Job Foundation through cooperation between member companies.


In addition, concrete measures were actively discussed to solve the practical difficulties faced by member companies.


Chairman of Gyeonggi Maeil Ujeongja

Taking this meeting as an opportunity, News Ranki plans to push for the need to form a group raised at the "News Ranki Future Strategy Seminar" held in December 2024. The formation of a corporation will be officially made official through a national competition scheduled for May, and the national competition is expected to be an important foothold for expanding the network of member companies and strengthening cooperation.



In particular, the promoter competition is likely to be held at the National Assembly, and through this, it will lay the official foundation as a media organization and use it as an opportunity to strengthen public confidence and independence of the media.

In his closing remarks, Chairman Han Sang-hee stressed the importance of the organization, saying, "News Ranki is not at the stage of realizing the requests of all member companies, but we will seek a direction for the media industry through cooperation and co-prosperity."

This meeting of the organizing committee is considered as the first step to strengthen cooperation with the media and establish an independent media environment away from the dependency of large portals. Through close communication with member companies, News Ranki plans to protect the rights and interests of journalists and create a sustainable media ecosystem.








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