시간 여행: 라스알카이마 아트의 발전

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Featuring works from 107 local and international artists and welcoming 45,000 visitors from around the world, Ras Al Khaimah Art 2024 has successfully concluded its 12th edition at the restored Al Jazeera Al Hamra Heritage Village. Launching as a three-day art exhibition in 2013, Ras Al Khaimah Art has evolved into a month-long annual event and the UAE’s largest outdoor art festival, showcasing Ras Al Khaimah’s vibrant cultural heritage and reflecting the Emirate’s unprecedented cross-sector economic growth. (Photo: AETOSWire)


(전국= KTN) 김도형 기자= 7000년의 역사 속에 뿌리를 내리고 있는 아랍에미리트(UAE)의 ‘네이처 에미리트(Nature Emirate)’인 라스알카이마(Ras Al Khaimah)는 전례 없는 경제적 성장을 경험하고 있으며 그 중심에는 관광, 부동산, 지속 가능성이 있다. 이 역동적인 생태계 안에서 번성한 ‘라스알카이마 아트(Ras Al Khaimah Art)’는 UAE를 대표하는 문화 예술 축제가 되었다.


Featuring works from 107 local and international artists and welcoming 45,000 visitors from around the world, Ras Al Khaimah Art 2024 has successfully concluded its 12th edition at the restored Al Jazeera Al Hamra Heritage Village. Launching as a three-day art exhibition in 2013, Ras Al Khaimah Art has evolved into a month-long annual event and the UAE’s largest outdoor art festival, showcasing Ras Al Khaimah’s vibrant cultural heritage and reflecting the Emirate’s unprecedented cross-sector economic growth. (Photo: AETOSWire)


UAE 연방최고회의(Supreme Council) 일원이자 라스알카이마 통치자인 셰이크 사우드 빈 사크르 알 카시미(H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi)의 비전에서 영감을 받은 이 축제는 에미리트의 예술적 재능을 선보이고 문화 교류를 촉진하도록 구상되었다. 2013년 라스알카이마 국립박물관에서 3일간의 전시회로 시작된 라스알카이마 아트는 한 달간 진행되는 연례 행사로 발전헸고, 2024년에는 35개국 106명의 현지 및 해외 아티스트와 함께 4만5000명의 방문객을 맞이하게 되었다.

비전 및 팀워크

알 카시미 재단(Al Qasimi Foundation)의 창립 책임자 겸 라스알카이마 아트의 기획자인 나타샤 리지 박사(Dr. Natasha Ridge)는 일찍부터 이 행사의 잠재력을 알아보고 확장 공간을 탐색했다. 프랑스 라 가실리(La Gacilly)를 방문하는 동안 한 마을이 야외 미술관으로 변신한 모습을 마주했고 라스알카이마 아트에 대해서도 비슷한 콘셉트를 구상했다. 그리고 완벽한 장소를 알고 있었다.

그곳은 바로 유네스코 세계문화유산 잠정 목록에 등재된 알 자지라 알 함라 헤리티지 빌리지(Al Jazeera Al Hamra Heritage Village)였다. UAE에서 마지막으로 살아남은 진주 어업 마을로, 수세기 동안의 건축, 무역, 문화를 잘 보여주는 곳이다. 요새, 망루, 모스크, 수크, 전통 주거지를 아우르는 이 마법 같은 유적은 미로 같은 돌 골목길로 유명했지만 오늘날에는 라스알카이마 아트의 장소가 되었다.

리지 박사는 “단순한 예술 축제가 아니라 역사적인 장소이기도 해서 훨씬 더 많은 사람들이 찾아온다”고 말했다.

라스알카이마 아트의 레퍼토리는 워크숍과 영화 상영부터 라이브 공연과 예술 탐험 프로그램에 이르기까지 다양한 예술적 표현을 포함하도록 확장되었다. 리지 박사는 “작년에는 1000명의 학생이 워크숍과 투어에 참여했다. 청소년들이 역사 및 문화와 교감하도록 하는 예술에 대한 지속 가능한 접근 방식을 채택했다”고 설명했다.

글로벌 연결망 구축

라스알카이마 아트는 라스알카이마를 문화 명소로 홍보하는 데 중추적인 역할을 한다. 라스알카이마 아트는 현지 예술가와 해외 예술가들을 위한 플랫폼을 제공함으로써 UAE의 문화 및 경제 발전에도 기여하고 있다.



teeped in 7000 years of history, the UAE’s ‘Nature Emirate’ Ras Al Khaimah is undergoing an unprecedented period of economic growth, with tourism, real estate and sustainability taking center stage. Within this dynamic ecosystem, Ras Al Khaimah Art has flourished to become the Emirate’s landmark celebration of culture and the arts.

Featuring works from 107 local and international artists and welcoming 45,000 visitors from around the world, Ras Al Khaimah Art 2024 has successfully concluded its 12th edition at the restored Al Jazeera Al Hamra Heritage Village. Launching as a three-day art exhibition in 2013, Ras Al Khaimah Art has evolved into a month-long annual event and the UAE’s largest outdoor art festival, showcasing Ras Al Khaimah’s vibrant cultural heritage and reflecting the Emirate’s unprecedented cross-sector economic growth. (Video: AETOSWire)

Featuring works from 107 local and international artists and welcoming 45,000 visitors from around the world, Ras Al Khaimah Art 2024 has successfully concluded its 12th edition at the restored Al Jazeera Al Hamra Heritage Village. Launching as a three-day art exhibition in 2013, Ras Al Khaimah Art has evolved into a month-long annual event and the UAE’s largest outdoor art festival, showcasing Ras Al Khaimah’s vibrant cultural heritage and reflecting the Emirate’s unprecedented cross-sector economic growth. (Photo: AETOSWire)


Featuring works from 107 local and international artists and welcoming 45,000 visitors from around the world, Ras Al Khaimah Art 2024 has successfully concluded its 12th edition at the restored Al Jazeera Al Hamra Heritage Village. Launching as a three-day art exhibition in 2013, Ras Al Khaimah Art has evolved into a month-long annual event and the UAE’s largest outdoor art festival, showcasing Ras Al Khaimah’s vibrant cultural heritage and reflecting the Emirate’s unprecedented cross-sector economic growth. (Photo: AETOSWire)

Inspired by the vision of H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, UAE Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, the festival was conceived to showcase the Emirate’s artistic talent and foster cultural exchange. Launching at Ras Al Khaimah’s National Museum in 2013 as a three-day exhibition, Ras Al Khaimah Art has evolved into a month-long annual event, welcoming 106 local and international artists from 35 countries in 2024, alongside 45000 visitors.

Vision & Teamwork

Founding Executive Director of the Al Qasimi Foundation and Ras Al Khaimah Art organiser, Dr. Natasha Ridge acknowledged the event’s potential early on and explored avenues for expansion. During a visit to La Gacilly in France, she encountered a village transformed into an outdoor art gallery and envisioned a similar concept for Ras Al Khaimah Art: “I knew the perfect place.”

Listed on UNESCO’s tentative list of World Heritage Sites, Al Jazeera Al Hamra Heritage Village is the UAE’s last-surviving pearl-fishing village, representing centuries of architecture, trade and culture. Encompassing a fort, watchtowers, a mosque, souq and traditional dwellings, the magical site is defined by a labyrinth of stone alleyways and today, by Ras Al Khaimah Art.

“It’s not just an art festival, it’s also a historical site, which attracts a much wider audience,” says Dr. Ridge.

Ras Al Khaimah Art’s repertoire has expanded to include a range of artistic expressions, from workshops and film screenings to live performances and an art exploration program. “Last year, we saw 1000 students participate in workshops and tours. By connecting our youth with history and culture, we adopt a sustainable approach to the arts,” says Dr. Ridge.

Cultivating Global Connections


Ras Al Khaimah Art plays a pivotal role in promoting Ras Al Khaimah as a cultural destination. By providing a platform for local artists alongside international counterparts, Ras Al Khaimah Art also contributes to the cultural and economic progress of the UAE.

<저작권자(c)한국유통신문. 무단전재-재배포 금지> 



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