《World Geumgung Sports Association's Words of the Day》Others Are Their…

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Photograph Description: The History of Neo-Confucianism in Europe and the United States

Confucius said that it doesn't seem to be good enough

It means to enjoy good deeds and hate evil deeds because it is said to be like groping for boiling water.

In the Analects, when you see an innocent person, you should reflect on yourself inside, which means that you should reflect on yourself using the words and actions of others as a lesson.

You must see the evil of others and find your own evil

Only when you can see the good things of others and find your own good things can you go the way of a true human being.

The President of the World Kowloon Sports Association, "Others Are Their Mirrors"

2022. 4.15. 06:00

-World Geumgung Sports Association: 054-456-9865 3rd floor of Shinsiro 4-F, Hyeonggok-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

-E-mail: flower_im@naver.com

-Recommended by heads of associations around the world

- Consultation on holding gold palace sports education programs and competitions for local governments, public institutions, schools, training centers, and military units across the country.

-I hope Oprah Gail Winfrey and Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates will generously sponsor the world of gold palace sports to enhance human mental strength and health






Examples of 7M treadmills and 5M treadmills for Geumgung Sports Competition.





 International Geumgung Sports Instructor Certificate.



구미성리학역사관 주자가학 탁본



공자가 말하기를 선함 보기를 미치지 못하는 것 같이 하고

악함 보기를 끓는 물을 더듬는 것 같이 하라했으니 이는 선행을 즐겨하고 악행을 미워하라는 의미다.

논어에서는 어질지 못한 사람을 보면 속으로 자신을 반성해 보아야 한다했으니 이는 타인의 언행을 교훈 삼아 자신을 반성해 보아야 한다는 뜻이다.

자고로 남의 악한 것을 보고 자기의 악한 것을 찾아야 하며,

남의 착한 것을 보고 자기의 착한 것을 찾을 수 있어야 참된 인간의 길을 가는 것이다.



-세계금궁스포츠협회장 어록, 타인은 자신의 거울이다-

2021. 4.15. 06:00

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