《World Geumgung Sports Association's Words of the Day》Writing a letter…

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 Photo Description: A house that brought the moon down to the ground, a creative idea changes the world.

Human beings are always lacking.

He always lives to satisfy his greed because he is not enough.

He who wants to fill his heart with beautiful hopes and dreams always has a positive mind;

He who tries to fill his head with injustice and distrust in everything in the world always blames others with twisted thoughts.

Humans sometimes commit intentional evil while doing good things because they ate good and evil fruits.

If you realize that your past words and actions are wrong, you can immediately reflect on yourself, reflect on your life, and live a life pursuing good.

This is because life without reflection is neglected in the world.

- World Gold Palace Sports Association President's Word, -

2022. 3.28. 06:00

-World Geumgung Sports Association: 054-456-9865 3rd floor of Shinsiro 4-F, Hyeonggok-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

-E-mail: flower_im@naver.com

-Recommended by heads of associations around the world.

- Consultation on holding gold palace sports education programs and competitions for local governments, public institutions, schools, training centers, and military units across the country.


-I hope Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates will generously sponsor the world of gold palace sports to enhance human mental strength and health






Examples of 7M treadmills and 5M treadmills for Geumgung Sports Competition.





 International Geumgung Sports Instructor Certificate.

달을 지상으로 내려오게 만든 집, 창의적인 생각이 세상을 변화시킨다.

인간은 늘 부족한 존재다.

모자라고 부족한 인간인지라 언제나 욕심을 채우기 위한 인생을 살아간다.

가슴 속에 아름다운 희망과 꿈으로 가득채우려는 사람은 언제나 긍정의 마음이 싹트며,

머리 속에 세상의 모든 일에 대한 부정과 불신으로 가득채우려는 사람은 언제나 비뚤어진 생각으로 타인을 비난한다.

인간은 선악과를 따먹은 탓에 착한 일을 하면서도 때론 의도적인 악행을 저지른다.

자신의 지난 말과 행동이 잘못되었다는 사실을 깨닫는 다면 즉시 반성하고 삶을 되돌아 보며 선을 추구하는 인생을 살면된다.

반성이 없는 인생은 세상에서 외면당하기 때문이다.

-세계금궁스포츠협회장 어록, 반성문을 쓰는게 인생이다 -

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