《World Geumgung Sports Association's Words of the Day》How to Fight Unj…

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Photo Explanation: Crime Report 112 Korea is illegal to own firearms and is a country with stronger security than any other country in the world.

Courage to confront injustice is the power to change the world.

The majority of the world is just people with reasonable reason.

Justice is the responsibility of those who act to protect the least conscience.

Don't be afraid to go out justly.

It is the reason of the world that many people stand on the side of the truth and help the right man act.

- World Gold Palace Sports Association President's Word: How to Fight Unjustice -

2022. 3.27. 06:00


-World Geumgung Sports Association: 054-456-9865 3rd floor of Shinsiro 4-F, Hyeonggok-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

-E-mail: flower_im@naver.com

-Recommended by heads of associations around the world.

- Consultation on holding gold palace sports education programs and competitions for local governments, public institutions, schools, training centers, and military units across the country.


-I hope Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates will generously sponsor the world of gold palace sports to enhance human mental strength and health






Examples of 7M treadmills and 5M treadmills for Geumgung Sports Competition.





 International Geumgung Sports Instructor Certificate.

범죄신고는 112, 한국은 총기소지도 불법이며 세상의 그 어느 나라보다 치안이  강력한 나라이다.

불의에 맞설 수 있는 용기는 세상을 변화시키는 힘이다.

세상에는 합리적인 이성을 가진 정의로운 사람들이 대다수이다.

정의란 최소한의 양심을 지키기 위해 행동하는 자의 몫이다.

정의롭게 나서는 일에 두려워하지 말라.

많은 사람들이 진실의 편에 서서 바른 자의 행동을 돕는 것이 세상의 순리이다.

-세계금궁스포츠협회장 어록, 불의에 맞서는 법 -

2021. 3.27. 06:00

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