《World Geumgung Sports Association's Words of the Day》 The power of pe…

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Photo Explanation: Through Seokguram Hermitage, the wisdom of the old ancestors is enlightened.

Seokguram Hermitage, which was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1995, was founded by the prime minister Kim Dae-sung in the 10th year of King Gyeongdeok in 751 during the Unified Silla Period and completed in the 10th year of King Hyegong in 774.

The stone cave, made by trimming granite, is a masterpiece that shows the world's unprecedented architectural technology that combines the ideals of the Buddhist world, science and technology, and sophisticated sculpting technology.

Seokguram Hermitage, a thorough symmetry of left and right, is a work completed with a comprehensive combination of architecture, mathematics, geometry, art, and science made of granite, which is still difficult to sculpt.

The secret that Seokguram Hermitage has kept for 1,000 years is underground water flowing under the floor. This is because the temperature of the floor was lowered than that of the wall to prevent condensation on the surface of the Buddha statue.

The power of the Korean people, which is attracting attention from today's world, is not just coincidence, but lies in the accumulated knowledge on the basis of a proud historical culture.

- Quote from the president of the World Geumgung Sports Association, the power of people based on Seokguram Hermitage. -

2022. 2.14. 06:00

World Geumgung Sports Association: 054-456-9865 3rd floor of Shinsiro 4-F, Hyeonggok-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

- Introduction to the association: 010-3546-9865.

-E-mail: flower_im@naver.com

-Recommended by heads of associations around the world.

- Consultation on holding gold palace sports education programs and competitions for local governments, public institutions, schools, training centers, and military units across the country.

-I hope Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates will generously sponsor the world of gold palace sports to enhance human mental strength and health.





Examples of 7M treadmills and 5M treadmills for Geumgung Sports Competition.





 International Geumgung Sports Instructor Certificate.




석굴암을 통해 옛 선조들의 지혜를 깨우친다.

1995년 세계문화유산에 등재된 석굴암은 통일신라시대 751년 경덕왕 10년 때 재상 김대성이 창건해 774년 혜공왕 10년에 완공됐다.

화강암을 다듬어 만든 석굴은 불교 세계의 이상과 과학기술 그리고 세련된 조각 기술이 어우러진 세계적으로 유례가 없는 건축기술을 보여준 걸작이다.

철저한 좌우대칭인 석굴암은 현재도 조각하기 힘들다는 화강암을 재료로하여 건축, 수리, 기하학, 예술 그리고 과학이 종합적으로 어울려 완성된 작품이다.

석굴암이 1000년 동안 간직한 비밀은 바닥 밑을 흐르는 지하수에 있다. 이는 바닥의 온도를 벽면보다 낮춰 불상 표면의 결로 현상을 막았기 때문이다.

오늘날 세계로 부터 주목받는 한민족의 저력은 우연만은 아니며, 자랑스러운 역사문화의 바탕 위에 차곡차곡 쌓여진 내공에 있다.

-세계금궁스포츠협회장 어록, 석굴암으로 본 민족의 저력 -

2021. 2.14. 06:00

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